Like human babies, a puppy’s first teeth are temporary milk teeth. Puppies are born with no visible teeth, and these milk teeth appear over the first few weeks of life. At a few months old your puppy’s first teeth will fall out and new permanent teeth will emerge. Unlike human babies, the whole process from …
Potty Training Success (Schedules That Work)
I love a schedule. I also like routines and time blocking. That’s just me. And so do a lot of other people judging by how many requests I get for potty training schedules and timetables! But here’s the thing. Most puppy potty training schedules are very prone to error. No matter how well they are …
New Puppy Sleep Problems (And Solutions)
Like many baby mammals, puppies sleep a lot. In the first week of life sleep occupies almost all of a puppy’s time, interrupted only by nursing. But as they start to grow and develop, your puppy’s sleep patterns change. I find that a lot of puppy parents worry about sleep. Especially if their puppy’s sleep …
Why Puppy Socialization Matters
Puppy socialization matters. And it might be more important than you think, not just for your dog, but for you too. It has the potential to have a major impact on you and your dog’s future happiness and safety. My views, on puppy socialization have shifted back and forth a bit over the years. Sometimes, …
How To Get Your Dog To Behave Nicely Around Other Animals
One of the biggest mistakes I see people make with young dogs is allowing the dog to focus on a distraction. This is especially common when dog owners are trying to get their dog used to other animals. Whether it’s cats, sheep, rabbits, other dogs, the principles are the same. The more the dog focuses …
How To Get Your Dog To Behave Nicely Around Other AnimalsRead More
Is It Safe To Take My Puppy Out Yet?
I’m going to answer this question, but because it is still sometimes a debated topic, I need to explain the rationale behind my answer. So I hope you will bear with me for a few moments. If you take your puppy out and about in public, they will almost certainly be exposed to more germs …
Why Puppy Zones Matter (And How To Create Yours)
So often, when people tell me they are having problems with a new puppy, it’s because they do not have a clearly defined puppy zone. What is a puppy zone? A puppy zone is a room or large space in your house that your puppy is restricted to for the majority of the day. It …
Our Favorite Puppy Names!
The Dogsnet team have put their heads together to bring you this unique collection of their favorite puppy names. It includes the names of our own dogs of course! (And a few of Pippa’s sheep and rabbits may have crept in to join the fun…) Either way we hope you find them helpful! Add yours …
Headcollar Vs Body Harness – Which Is Best For Dogs That Pull On The Leash
Discussions on headcollars come up in our Facebook group from time to time and can be a surprisingly controversial topic, so I’m going to start with some facts, then move on to differences in opinion as to the benefits and disadvantages of both body harnesses for dogs compared with headcollars such as the ‘halti’ or …
Headcollar Vs Body Harness – Which Is Best For Dogs That Pull On The LeashRead More
How To Make A Dog Training Plan
Training a dog is a big challenge, a project rather a task. And because time for most of us is always at a premium, if you want a better behaved dog, it’s important to make a plan. Today, I’m going to help you make your own, personalized, training plan that will work for you and …