New Puppy? Start Training Through Play With Puppy Games Today

For Puppies From 8 Weeks Old 

Puppy Games will help you bond with your new puppy and build the foundations for future obedience training in eight key areas. 

These puppy training games are short, easy to play and great fun!

(For dogs and puppies over 12 weeks, check out Foundation Skills)


Here’s What You’ll Get When You Enroll

Puppy Games is the perfect start to your new puppy's education. You'll receive top quality content, videos, training instructions, and discount on further courses. And you can start to play the games from the very first day!

Thirty Games To Play With Your Puppy!

Each day for fifteen days we'll deliver two new games to your account. You'll be able to access the games for three months from purchase.

Game Play Instructions

Clear, concise,  instructions that you can copy onto a postcard, or index card.  Making it easy to learn and follow the game play steps.

Video Demonstrations Of Every Game

Every game is accompanied by a demonstration video. Each video contains all you need, and is fun to watch

Building Blocks Of Obedience

Puppy games are the building blocks of future obedience, and help to establish a great relationship between you and your dog.

Here’s What People Are Saying About The Courses

The Dogsnet Online Training Program was launched at the end of 2019 and has had a fantastic reception. You'll find testimonials like these on all our registration pages.


Puppy Parenting

Fun And Satisfying

"Blue and I are absolutely loving the course. The games are great fun and so satisfying. Four days in and she's wonderful at sitting to say please and pausing for food"


Puppy Parenting & Foundation Skills

Love Your Positive Style!

"Our puppy, Ginny, is 12 weeks old and is doing great, thanks in large part to your wonderful training program! We finished Puppy Training and are halfway through the Foundation Skills program. I just love your positive style".


Foundation Skills

Win Win All The Way Around

“Having this online option allows us to train at our pace, in our preferred environment and when it best suits our puppy!  Nothing but a win-win all the way around.”

What’s In The Course

The Puppy Games course is a series of thirty short games. Each game develops your puppy's abilities in one of these eight important areas


Topic 1: Recall Foundations

Recall is so important! We all want our dogs to come racing towards us when we call them.  The recall games in this course help you to build the perfect foundation for a reliable recall that will last a lifetime


Topic 2: Crate Confidence

Crates can be controversial. They can also be fun!  Our crate confidence games teach your puppy to love their crate. You'll be amazed how easy they are to play!  And if you don't have a crate you can use your puppy's basket.


Topic 3: Focus

Puppy's that listen, learn fast!  So this is where we teach your puppy to hang on your every word!


Topic 4: Safe Walking

This is where you find out how easy it is to get a wriggling puppy into a harness and to be happy on a leash.


Topic 5: Home Alone

Puppies can get very distressed when left alone. So it's important that you teach you little one to be relaxed and comfortable when you leave them. We show you how with these simple games.


Topic 6: Handling

Want your puppy to be happy when the vet examines them? To let you groom them, and even clip their nails? This topic is for you!


Topic 7: Engagement

Engagement takes focus a step further. These games will help your puppy appreciate how much fun it is to work with you as a team.  And to understand the rules of play!


Topic 8: Self Control

Self control games are awesome. They help you to avoid all kinds of problems such as barging and snatching. And they teach your puppy how to make great choices in life.   

About The Course Teacher, Pippa Mattinson

The Dogsnet training program was designed and written by British author Pippa Mattinson. Her best sellers "Total Recall" and "The Happy Puppy Handbook" have been translated into many different languages and sell around the world.

Pippa's books have thousands of wonderful reviews on Amazon and she's widely known for her ability to present dog training exercises in a fun and easy to follow way.

You'll love watching Pippa's demonstration videos and her lessons are packed full of fascinating dog facts and quality training advice. 

People Love The Dogsnet Program

Puppy Games is a wonderful start to your dog training journey. But it is just the start! There is so much more fun ahead.


with Moby

My Dog Is So Attentive!

“Loving the course, we're both having so much fun...whenever I go to the room I train him in he bounds after me and sits attentively ready to start!”


with 4 rescue dogs

Fun, Short, Achievable Sessions

“Me and my 4 are loving this course, it’s fun with short achievable sessions which in this busy life makes you want to train, as it isn’t a chore.”


with Gwenni

So Helpful Having My Questions Answered

“I’ve learnt so much already about dealing with successes and failures”  and “I’m benefiting from and enjoying the forum too and it’s sooo helpful having my questions answered.”

Learning Through Play

Puppy Games are all about having fun, but your puppy will be learning at the same time!

Each game takes you a step in the right direction in one of eight key areas that have a massive impact on your puppy's development. And on their ability to fit happily into the human world!

Raising a puppy can be much harder than many people imagine before they bring home their new friends.  It's easy to get off on the wrong foot, ending up in constant conflict with your new puppy, which is why behavioral problems in dogs are so common.

A well-mannered, obedient dog is your aim. Remedial training and behavioral consultations can cost $1,000 or more so you'll want to avoid those! 

The Puppy Games course gives every new puppy owner the chance to get off on the right foot without spending a fortune 

Raising a new puppy should always be fun. And with Puppy Games you'll have fun every day.  

You won't have to worry about where to begin, or what to do next. All you need to do is work through the games one by one. 


puppy GAMES

Learning Through Play 



  • Thirty games 
  • Video demos
  • Clear instructions
  • Expert tuition


100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 7-Days

We think you'll love Puppy Games, but if you don't, just let us know within 7 days and we'll give you a full refund.

Don’t wait! Puppy Games is perfect for those very first steps on your puppy journey

Frequently Asked Questions

When Does The Course Start?

Do I Have Time?

Is My Puppy Too Old / Old Enough?

Is Potty Training Help Included?

Puppy Games Vs Puppy Parenting

I'm Already On The Puppy Parenting Course

Can I Access The Whole Course At Once?

How Long Does My Course Access Last?

Is Puppy Socialization Help Included?

How Does The Guarantee Work?

What Happens If I Get Stuck?

What Does It Cost In My Currency?